Let us help you 'start the conversation'

The speed and accessibility of today's media channels, together with the growth of social media, have led to a new 'open era' of public relations. The winners will be those that take the trouble to understand their customers and prospects, and embrace the new media opportunities, engaging in the 'two-way conversations' that are now possible between companies and their target audiences. The losers will be those that hide in their ivory towers, 'broadcasting' rather than conversing.

Today's enlightened society is less likely to take company claims and straplines at face value, and those companies that fail to live up to such claims and promises, are often 'unmasked' by society. The image you portray will only be accepted if it reflects your company's ethos and core values, and rings true with the actual customer experience.

This is not the time to hide, it is the time to engage your customers and prospects, so let Premier Marketing Services help you develop the messaging, and the PR and Social media campaigns to make you stand out from the crowd. We are based in Croydon, and our consultants have worked for some of the world's leading PR agencies, developing and implementing local, national and international PR campaigns for a wide range of businesses, from sole traders to global, blue-chip organisations. We develop effective PR strategies that are backed by clear, concise, and relevant messaging.